Phil De Ricco
Licensed Massage Therapist

Mind Massage

In the photo above: No, I am not massaging my client's mind,  I am providing traction from the occiput (the base of the skull) to lengthen her spine, a deliberate physical action.

Mind Massage is my tongue-in-cheek way, as a massage therapist, to Segway into sharing a very important therapy with you: Rapid Resolution Therapy - RRT, created and taught by Jon Connelly, Ph.D. 

I am currently a Candidate in the Certified RRT Specialist Program and have attended over 380 hours of trainings and classes.

I am also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NBCCH  (National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists)

I am offering RRT sessions as I am completing the requirements for Certification. Your first session with me would be by donation. In-person sessions are available on the Island of Hawai'i, video sessions are available worldwide.


The following information is from the RRT website:

Rapid Resolution Therapy

Life experiences may trigger a cascade of painful emotions, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors that can seem impossible to resolve. Attempting to bring enduring change without eliminating the influence of past events would be like trying to repair the structure of a building by applying a coat of paint.

With Rapid Resolution Therapy, the mind is cleared of negative beliefs, reorganized to see new possibilities, and stops regretting the past and dreading the future. Negative habits and painful emotions are replaced by positive feelings and actions. Freed from the grip of past events, blocked energy is released so that physical and emotional healing can take place. Once the conflicts in the unconscious mind have been pinpointed and cleared, the desired change is automatic and lasting.

Current Problems with the Mental Health Industry

There are two basic kinds of therapies. One is based on the premise that unhappiness needs to be deeply experienced in order to be purged. This process is quite painful and takes a long time. The second attempts to bring about desired change by addressing things cognitively. The problem here is that emotional issues don't stem from intellectual or logical misunderstandings. Dysfunctional thoughts come from unresolved emotional issues. Most people dealing with emotional pain already realize that what they're feeling isn't logical. To be told so is insulting. When these two kinds of therapies prove to be ineffective, practitioners frequently blame their patients by accusing them of being "resistant" or “unmotivated”.

What Rapid Resolution Therapy® Does

Rapid Resolution Therapy® utilizes innovative concepts, multi-level communication, and specialized tools to resolve emotional disturbance and maladaptive behavior. RRT changes how the unconscious mind processes information so that improvements are natural, automatic, and lasting. RRT is fast, painless, and complete. It is typically completed within one to three online or in-person meetings. The strategic process resolves troubling thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Rapid Resolution Therapy offers a way of thinking, a shift in perspective, and a different point of view. The RRT perspective offers participants a useful way to see more clearly, and, as it makes sense, an opportunity to apply this way of thinking to their own situation. This shift in perspective, shared as psycho-education about how the mind works, provides participants with a new foundation by which they can begin to change and improve emotions, thoughts, sensations, impulses, habits, and behavior so that they can better navigate their way in the world.

The Rapid Resolution Therapy Perspective

The RRT perspective is derived from the idea that the prime directive for all life forms is first to survive and then thrive. The highest priority of the mind is always to avoid what would destroy continuation. For humans, this prime directive may also extend to one’s offspring, one’s community, or the world at large.

To survive and thrive, the mind causes behavior/reaction to happen within our bodies and minds. This includes heartbeat, digestion, respiration, circulation, temperature regulation, but also emotion, thought, impulse, and habit. These external and internal behaviors are controlled by the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. As such, they happen automatically and do not require conscious thought to control or turn them on and off. 

Since the mind operates the autonomic nervous system and causes these behaviors, we can use the mind to shift them, increasing healing in the body and mind, and even relieving physical pain. RRT utilizes communication with the participant in a way that speaks to the deeper level of the mind, both conscious and subconscious, which allows for change to occur within the whole mind, not just the intellectual part. It is a precise, gentle, and even enjoyable method of clearing emotional and physical disturbances, allowing the nervous system to experience more ease in life.

A Review from my RRT Client Alex:

I had two sessions of Rapid Resolution Therapy with Phil and I thought they were fantastic! In the first session we had, we were addressing chronic pain that I have in my jaw from nerve damage from a dental implant. Through the session, I was able to enter a very meditative state and communicate with my subconscious mind that my body no longer needs to be giving me pain anymore, it's no longer serving me and I have received the message. It felt good to be able to communicate with that part of myself that is sending me pain. It's been a couple of weeks since the session, and my pain has lessened!

The second session was a bit different and this one was more geared towards addressing traumas, or emotions that haven't been fully processed. Phil brought me into a hypnotic and meditative state and I took a journey into my childhood, where there were some memories of my mom's boyfriend being abusive to me as a child.

We went through the techniques of the therapy, and as I was in a hypnotic state, Phil said the words "You are free", and instantly when I heard those words, I felt a very warm and light feeling emanate from my stomach region, and it felt like the emotion and experience was finally processed. I can now think back to that memory, and it doesn't feel scary or bad, so I know my body has processed it. The process wasn't intellectual at all, I had no thoughts about anything during it, it just happened and my body released what was weighing it down.

Phil is a kind and compassionate person and I highly recommend his services!






























Phil De Ricco

(808) 315-3447

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